
User Guide


Duke Skywalker is an experienced task manager (not the Windows one) who uses the force to create, modify, delete, and search through different kinds of Tasks. Duke Skywalker emulates a CLI, though it has a GUI.

Create Tasks

User can create 3 different kinds of Tasks: ToDo, Deadline, and Event. ToDo: only has description Deadline: has description, date and time Event: has description, date, startTime and endTime

Mark Task As Done

User can mark a task as done using its 1-index number.

Delete a Task

User can delete a single task using its 1-index number.

Delete All Done Tasks

User can delete all the tasks marked as done in the list.

List All Tasks

User can list all tasks currently available in the list.


todo - to add a ToDo to TaskList

Allows user to create a new Todo Task with only a description (no date and time). The format of the command is: todo <description>

Example of usage:

todo eat lunch

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task: [T][-] eat lunch Now you have 1 tasks in this list.

deadline - to add a Deadline to TaskList

Allows user to create a new Deadline Task with a description, date, and time. The format of the command is: deadline <description> /by DD/MM/YYYY <time in 24-hour clock format>

Example of usage:

deadline sleep /by 18/09/2019 2355

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task: [D][-] sleep (by: 18th September, 2019. 11:55pm) Now you have 2 tasks in the list.

event - to add an Event to TaskList

Allows user to create a new Event Task with a description, date, and startTime and endTime to specify a duration. The format of the command is: event <description> /at DD/MM/YYYY <startTime in 24-hour clock format>-<endTime in 24-hour clock format>

Example of usage:

event eat lunch /at 19/09/2019 1300-1400

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task: [E][-] eat lunch (at: 19th September, 2019. 1:00pm - 19th September, 2019. 2:00pm) Now you have 3 tasks in the list.

done - to mark a Task as done

Allows user to mark a particular task as done and displays the Task that is done. The format of the command is: done <1-index of Task to be marked as done>

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

Nice! I've marked this task as done: [T][+] eat lunch

list - to list out all the Tasks

Allows user to list out all the Tasks in the TaskList. The format of the command is: list

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

`Here are the task(s) in your list:

  1. [T][+] eat lunch
  2. [D][-] sleep (by: 18th Spetember, 2019. 11:55pm)
  3. [E][-] eat lunch (at: 19th September, 2019. 1:00pm - 19th September, 2019. 2:00pm)`

delete - to delete a task from TaskList

Allows user to delete a particular Task from TaskList and displays the Task that is deleted. The format of the command is: delete <1-index of the Task to be deleted>

Example of usage:

delete 2

Expected outcome:

Noted. I've removed this task: [D][-] sleep (by: 18th September, 2019. 11:55pm) Now you have 2 tasks in this list.

deletedone - to delete all the Tasks that are done

Allows users to delete all tasks marked as done in a single command and prints the Tasks deleted. The format of the command is: deletedone

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

`I have removed all the tasks that were done. Here are the removed tasks:

  1. [T][+] eat lunch Now you have 1 tasks left in the list.`

find - to filter the list of Tasks using a String

Allows users to filter out tasks; it only prints out the tasks that have the given String in their description. The format of the command is: find <filtering String>

Example of usage:

find lunch

Expected outcome:

`Here are the tasks with ‘lunch’ in their description:

  1. [E][-] eat lunch (at: 19th September, 2019. 1:00pm - 19th September, 2019. 2:00pm)`

bye - bids adieu to the user

Displays a goodbye message and closes the program.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Bye. Hope to see you again soon! May The Force Be With You!